PEP 3330: The protocol keyword

In typing, you would often see following class definitions:

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable, TypeVar

T_covTypeVar(T_cov, covariantTrue)

class ProtocolClass(Protocol[T_cov]): ...

If it was written in .pyi file, we would even skip the @runtime_checkable decorator preceding the protocol class. That decorator allows to transform protocol class to a runtime protocol, what subsequently allows to use this class in isinstance() and issubclass() functions. As since Python 3.12 you have new type notation, you can even skip initializing a new type parameter via TypeVar constructor, but to keep accordance with older Python versions, it is still used so far. With protocol classes I would like to happily introduce the protocol keyword:

since 3.12
protocol <protocol-class-name>[[type-parameters]]([inherited-classes]): <protocol-class-body>
before 3.12
protocol <protocol-class-name>([inherited-classes]): <protocol-class-body>

Protocol classes are just like interfaces in TypeScript - their members have lack of body. Declarations equipped with preceding protocol keywords are classes, and below is its class keyword syntax equivalent.

since 3.12
class <class-name>[[type-parameters]](Protocol[[type-parameters]], [inherited-classes]): <class-body>
before 3.12
class <class-name>(Protocol[[type-parameters]], [inherited-classes]): <class-body>

I know it won't be accepted, at least I tried.

Article written by Aveyzan on 26th August 2024, 10:01 AM according to time in Greenwich